10 Hottest Trending Topics in 2023

  I'm writing blogs on blow trending topic. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly transforming our world and the way we live and work. These technologies are being used to automate many tasks, making our lives easier and more efficient. AI and ML are also being used to improve healthcare, enhance cybersecurity, and revolutionize the way we do business. 5G Technology 5G technology is set to change the way we use the internet and mobile devices. With faster speeds and lower latency, 5G will enable new technologies such as the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, and virtual and augmented reality. It will also bring new opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is becoming a critical issue in today's world, with the increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches. Protecting sensitive information and ensuring the security of online systems is essential to prevent fraud an...

Public Cloud Model Cloud Deployment Models

Cloud Deployment Models 

1. Public Cloud Model

Public Cloud is a type of cloud hosting that allows the accessibility of systems & its services to its clients/users easily. Some of the examples of those companies which provide public cloud facilities are: IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft etc. This cloud service is open for use.

This type of cloud computing is a true specimen of cloud hosting where the service providers render services to various clients. From the technical point of view, there is least difference between private clouds and the public clouds along with the structural design. Only the security level of depends based on the service providers and the type of cloud clients use. Public cloud is better suited for business purposes for managing the load. This type of cloud is economical due to the decrease in capital overheads.

Public Cloud allows systems and services to be easily accessible to general public. The IT giants such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft offer cloud services via Internet.


There are many benefits of deploying cloud as public cloud model. The following diagram shows some of those benefits:

Cost Effective

Since public cloud shares same resources with large number of customers it turns out inexpensive.

The public cloud employs large number of resources from different locations. If any of the resources fails, public cloud can employ another one.

The public cloud can smoothly integrate with private cloud, which gives customers a flexible approach.
Location Independence

Public cloud services are delivered through Internet, ensuring location independence.
Utility Style Costing

Public cloud is also based on pay-per-use model and resources are accessible whenever customer needs them.
High Scalability

Cloud resources are made available on demand from a pool of resources, i.e., they can be scaled up or down according the requirement.


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